1054 Los Osos Valley Road
Los Osos, CA 93402
Phone: 805-528-2000
Mobile: 805-235-4877
Email: [email protected]
Designations: DRE #01309931
If this is your kind of town, let me show you the neighborhood!
San Luis Obispo is still one of the best buys in California Real Estate, just look around our county for proof.
My husband and I moved here in 1973, as we considered having a family. The past 40+ years have been a wonderful journey with lots of love & tears along the way. We have raised two wonderful children, who have given us three beautiful grandchildren and one due in March 2016.
We have taken care of parents in our home, being full-time caregivers.<br><br>My husband became ill about three years ago. In 2014, he was hospitalized for six months as a result of Agent Orange. He loss his right leg; he’s home now and we are learning to adapt our home and lifestyle to accommodate the changes.
With life experiences comes knowledge to help other people, with their housing needs.
I am a certified Senior Specialist but now I have real experience to help buyers make more informed choices.
Let me assist you in your next real estate transaction.